Time Management

Blog Day #3 

Time Management 

Now it's very important topic once you entered in business that is all about how you managed your time in revenue earning activities .

I am hereby stating one example Steve & Smith ,Steve is doing job and has to report it's manager for last day meeting minutes with client by 11 AM  so he has to go on time attended the job routines for his duties and responsibilities .

Now we will look for Smith he recently started his business and you can say kind of free bird, no reports to anyone ,no as such time to do work . But still he attended his first meeting by morning 10 AM . 

Now you think what so great in it .once you entered in business you should be disciplined ,there is no one to told you the work and take reports from you . You have to alloted works for yourself and managed time .

Four  'D' effectiveness 
Desire :- Intense burning desire to get time under control and to achieve effectiveness 

Decisiveness :- Clear decision that you are going to practise good time.untill becomes habbit 

Determination :- Willing to persist in face of all temptation 

Discipline :- Make time management as lifelong practice .

You can follow these simple steps to manage your time effectively 

1) Make lists and sub lists to accomplish each major and minor objective.

2) Set priority of work ,If you started reacting non stop demands you quickly lose control of your day and end of spending time on low activity 

3) Everyone is doing  "To Do List" but top people doing "Not To Do List ".Means you start saying no to any activity doesn't represent highest value of your time . 

4) If any task started then stay with it untill 100% done . This can increase productivity and boost confidence . 

5) You have to establish blocks of time to work on serious projects .Thirty minutes needed to get your mind in complex task like planning project .

6) Generally operation Task needed fast thinking but creative task like planning or proposal needed slow thinking 

7) Never engage too much on emails ,social media and WhatsApp .You Can do revert emails twice in day by checking in one stroke and off for the weekend .

8) Every night before closing bunch your calls at early morning like list down with Name / No and subject to discuss so that for remaining day period you will be free for your work . 

9) Generally applying ABCDE method for time 
A- Important task 
B- Those things you should do but having time in hand 
C- Nice to do but no cons  either positive or negative ( new projects or brief proposals ) 
D- Delegate to else 
E- Eliminate 

Source :- Brian Tracy Time Management & Havard Business School  


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