Negotiations & Deals

In day to day life of business as we encountered meetings we have to face negotiation also and have to closed sales deal , project deals and many more 

For negotiation you need deeper skill and real discipline .What to talk and when to put your points so that it can make your way effective impression 

Recently I have seen one good article by HBS press release .This is all about seven element tool 

1. Satisfies Core Interest :- Why all are in negotiation ,they must have their ideology in mind or they need something to achieve 
Like salesman for closing sales ,Businessman wanted revenue and new client acquisition or many more .So we have to identify the core interest of each other before starting negotiation .This is the basic what you want from negotiation and why .Asked the same to yourself what other party wants and why .

2. Best Options :- Once you understand core interest in negotiation think about what best option you can put so that both parties will be in win win situation and can happily closed deal with less efforts in negotiation .Generally it's not easy way I explained .
You should be creative and lean for your options 

3. Alternatives :- Keep your mind open for alternatives also ,You should have ability to understand what other needs .You should be disciplined for what other party saying. It's strategic approach that improve your alternatives all the time and weaken the alternatives of other party involved .

4.Effective Communication & Relationship :- 
Sometimes it happened big deals like funding or acquisition of clients not resulted and negotiated in one meeting so in such case you have to effective communication by mail or message with party and keep good professional relationship .
Mainly keep suggesting them alternatives ,jotted down all possibilities and keep the flow of understanding both ends .

If you knows which interests of both parties are shared and differed then it's easy to get to an conclusion and find way out . 

I think this is fairly enough for today think on each and every line stated above there is deep meaning .Try to compare with your real life negotiations or deals .and feel free to share your reviews . In next blog I will try to come up with example 

Stay Tuned !! Have a Happy weekend 

Courtesy :- HBS Press Release .


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